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Taxon: Chasmanthium sessiliflorum (Poir.) H. O. Yates

Genus: Chasmanthium
Family: Poaceae (alt.Gramineae)
Subfamily: Panicoideae
Tribe: Chasmanthieae
Nomen number: 103480
Place of publication: S. W. Naturalist 11:426. 1966
Link to protologue:
Name Verified on: 12-Oct-1999 by ARS Systematic Botanists.
Accessions: 0 (0 active, 0 available) in National Plant Germplasm System

Autonyms (not in current use), synonyms and invalid designations:

(≡ homotypic synonym, = heterotypic synonym, - autonym, I invalid designation)

Common names:

  • longleaf chasmanthium  (Source: F NAmer) - English

Distributional Range:


    Northern America
    • NORTH-CENTRAL U.S.A.: United States [Missouri (e.-c.), Oklahoma (s.e.)]
    • SOUTHEASTERN U.S.A.: United States [Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky (w.), Louisiana, Maryland (s.-c.), North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Virginia (e.)]
    • SOUTH-CENTRAL U.S.A.: United States [Texas]


  1. FNA Editorial Committee. 1993-. Flora of North America.
  2. Kartesz, J. T. 1994. A synonymized checklist of the vascular flora of the United States, Canada, and Greenland. Note: = Chasmantium laxum var. sessiliflorum (Poir.) L. G. Clark
  3. Wofford, B. E. Database of Tennessee vascular plants (on-line resource). URL: https://herbarium.utk.edu/vascular/vascular-database.php?CategoryID=Monocots&FamilyID=Poaceae&GenusID=Chasmanthium&SpeciesID=sessiliflorum target='_blank'

Check other web resources for Chasmanthium sessiliflorum (Poir.) H. O. Yates :

Cite as: USDA, Agricultural Research Service, National Plant Germplasm System. 2024. Germplasm Resources Information Network (GRIN-Taxonomy).
National Germplasm Resources Laboratory, Beltsville, Maryland. URL: http://gringlobal.iita.org/gringlobal/taxonomydetail.aspx?id=103480. Accessed 29 September 2024.