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Taxon: Vicia cracca L.

Genus: Vicia
Subgenus: Vicilla
Section: Cracca
Family: Fabaceae (alt.Leguminosae)
Subfamily: Faboideae
Tribe: Fabeae
Nomen number: 300659
Place of publication: Sp. pl. 2:735. 1753
Link to protologue:
Typification: View in Linnean Typification Project
Name Verified on: 26-Aug-1986 by ARS Systematic Botanists.
Accessions: 0 (0 active, 0 available) in National Plant Germplasm System

Common names:

  • cow vetch  (Source: Pl Names) - English
  • tufted vetch  (Source: BSBI) - English
  • tufted vetch  (Source: ICAW) - English (Canada)
  • vesce jargeau  (Source: ICAW) - French (Canada)
  • cisirão  (Source: pers. comm.) - Portuguese (Brazil)
  • ervilhaca-dos-passarinhos  (Source: pers. comm.) - Portuguese (Brazil)
  • kråkvicker  (Source: Kulturvaxtdatabas) - Swedish
  • gorošek myšinyj  (Source: Mansf Ency) - Transliterated Russian

Economic Importance:

  • Animal food: fodder
  • Environmental:
  • Weed: potential seed contaminant (fide Geigy Weed Tables. 1968)

Distributional Range:


    • WESTERN ASIA: Cyprus, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Syria, Turkey
    • CAUCASUS: Russian Federation [Checheno-Ingushetia, Dagestan, Karachay-Cherkessia, North Ossetia, Krasnodar, Stavropol]
    • SIBERIA: Russian Federation [Buryatia, Gorno-Altay, Khakassia, Tuva, Yakutia-Sakha, Altay, Krasnoyarsk, Evenk, Taymyr, Chelyabinsk, Chita, Aga Buryat, Irkutsk, Ust Orda Buryat, Kemerovo, Kurgan, Novosibirsk, Omsk, Sverdlovsk, Tomsk, Tyumen, Khanty-Mansi]
    • MIDDLE ASIA: Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan
    • MONGOLIA: Mongolia
    • CHINA: China (n.)
    • EASTERN ASIA: Japan, [Hokkaidô, Honshu, Kyushu, Shikoku] Korea, Taiwan (natzd.?)

    • INDO-CHINA: Vietnam (n.)

    • NORTHERN EUROPE: Denmark, Finland, Ireland, Norway, Sweden
    • MIDDLE EUROPE: Austria, Belgium, Czechoslovakia, Germany, Hungary, Netherlands, Poland, Switzerland
    • EASTERN EUROPE: Belarus, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Moldova, Russian Federation, [Bashkortostan, Chuvashia, Kalmykia, Karelia, Komi, Mari-El, Mordvinia, Tatarstan, Udmurtia, Arkhangelsk, Nenets, Astrakhan, Belgorod, Bryansk, Ivanovo, Kaliningrad, Kaluga, Kirov, Kostroma, Kursk, Leningrad, Lipetsk, Moscow, Murmansk, Novgorod, Orel, Orenburg, Penza, Perm, Komi-Permyak, Pskov, Rostov, Ryazan, Saratov, Smolensk, Tambov, Tula, Ulyanovsk, Vladimir, Volgograd, Vologda, Voronezh, Yaroslavl] Ukraine (incl. Krym)
    • SOUTHEASTERN EUROPE: Albania, Bulgaria, Former Yugoslavia, Greece, Italy (incl. Sardinia, Sicily), Romania
    • SOUTHWESTERN EUROPE: France (incl. Corsica), Portugal, Spain

    Naturalized (natzd. elsewhere)


  1. Afonin, A. N., S. L. Greene, N. I. Dzyubenko, & A. N. Frolov, eds. Interactive agricultural ecological atlas of Russia and neighboring countries. Economic plants and their diseases, pests and weeds (on-line resource). URL: http://www.agroatlas.ru/en/content/cultural/Vicia_cracca_K/ target='_blank'
  2. Aldén, B., S. Ryman, & M. Hjertson. 2012. Svensk Kulturväxtdatabas, SKUD (Swedish Cultivated and Utility Plants Database; online resource) URL: www.skud.info
  3. Allkin, R. et al. 1986. Names and synonyms of species and subspecies in the Vicieae: issue 3. Vicieae Database Project 7:51.
  4. Botanical Society of the British Isles. BSBI taxon database (on-line resource).
  5. CIBA-GEIGY, Basel, Switzerland. 1974. The CIBA-GEIGY Weed Tables
  6. Darbyshire, S. J. 2003. Inventory of Canadian Agricultural Weeds Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada. 154.
  7. Davis, P. H., ed. 1965-1988. Flora of Turkey and the east Aegean islands.
  8. Fu, Y. C. et al. 1977-. Flora intramongolica.
  9. Gleason, H. A. & A. Cronquist. 1963. Manual of vascular plants of northeastern United States and adjacent Canada.
  10. Groth, D. 2005. pers. comm. Note: re. Brazilian common names
  11. Hanelt, P., ed. 2001. Mansfeld's encyclopedia of agricultural and horticultural crops. Volumes 1-6
  12. Hermann, F. J. 1960. Vetches of the United States - native, naturalized and cultivated. U.S.D.A. Agric. Handb. 168:69.
  13. Huang, S. F. & T. C. Huang. 1987. Taxonomic treatment of the Papilionoideae (Leguminosae) of Taiwan. Taiwania 32:11-117.
  14. Inst. Bot. V. L. Komarova, Acad. Sci. URSS. 1963-. Plantae asiae centralis.
  15. Jiangsu Inst. Bot., ed. v. 1; Shan. R. H., ed. v. 2. 1977-1982. Jiangsu Zhiwuzhi (Flora of Jiangsu).
  16. Kitagawa, M. 1979. Neo-lineamenta florae Manshuricae.
  17. Komarov, V. L. et al., eds. 1934-1964. Flora SSSR.
  18. Li, H. L. et al., eds. 1975-1979. Flora of Taiwan.
  19. Lock, J. M. & K. Simpson. 1991. Legumes of West Asia: a checklist
  20. Ohashi, H. 2012. Review of Fabaceae Japan, Taiwan data for World Economic Plants, ed. 2. pers. comm.
  21. Ohwi, J. 1965. Flora of Japan (Engl. ed.).
  22. Porcher, M. H. et al. Searchable World Wide Web Multilingual Multiscript Plant Name Database (MMPND) (on-line resource).
  23. Radford, A. E. et al. 1964. Manual of the vascular flora of the Carolinas.
  24. Schaefer, H. et al. 2012. Systematics, biogeography, and character evolution of the legume tribe Fabeae with special focus on the middle-Atlantic island. B. M. C. Evol. Biol. 12:250. Note: Vicia cracca samples did not cluster together, although all did grouped within sect, Cracca
  25. Scoggan, H. J. 1978-1979. The flora of Canada, 4 vol.
  26. Seed Regulatory and Testing Division, Agricultural Marketing Service, U.S.D.A. State noxious-weed seed requirements recognized in the administration of the Federal Seed Act (updated annually).
  27. Tai Hyun Chung. 1965. Illustrated encyclopedia of fauna & flora of Korea, vol. 5, Tracheophyta.
  28. Tutin, T. G. et al., eds. 1964-1980. Flora europaea.
  29. Voss, E. 1972-. Michigan flora.
  30. Wu Zheng-yi & P. H. Raven et al., eds. 1994-. Flora of China (English edition).
  31. Yakovlev, G. P. et al. 1996. Legumes of Northern Eurasia
  32. Zhu, X. Y. et al. 2007. Legumes of China: a checklist

Check other web resources for Vicia cracca L. :

  • Flora Europaea: Database of European Plants (ESFEDS)
  • Flora of China: Online version from Harvard University
  • TROPICOS: Nomenclatural and Specimen Database of the Missouri Botanical Garden
  • ILDIS: International Legume Database & Information Service
  • Mansfeld: Mansfeld's World Databas of Agricultural and Horticultural Crops
  • ePIC: Electronic Plant Information Centre of Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew
  • AGRICOLA: Article Citation Database or NAL Catalog of USDA's National Agricultural Library
  • Entrez: NCBI's search engine for PubMed citations, GenBank sequences, etc.
  • PubAg: USDA's National Agricultural Library database of full-text journal articles and citations on the agricultural sciences.

Cite as: USDA, Agricultural Research Service, National Plant Germplasm System. 2024. Germplasm Resources Information Network (GRIN-Taxonomy).
National Germplasm Resources Laboratory, Beltsville, Maryland. URL: http://gringlobal.iita.org/gringlobal/taxonomydetail.aspx?id=300659. Accessed 29 September 2024.