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Taxon: Miscanthus ecklonii (Nees) Mabb.

Genus: Miscanthus
Family: Poaceae (alt.Gramineae)
Subfamily: Panicoideae
Tribe: Andropogoneae
Subtribe: Saccharinae
Nomen number: 459946
Place of publication: Taxon 33:442. 1984
Link to protologue:
Name Verified on: 07-Oct-2009 by ARS Systematic Botanists.
Accessions: 0 (0 active, 0 available) in National Plant Germplasm System

Autonyms (not in current use), synonyms and invalid designations:

(≡ homotypic synonym, = heterotypic synonym, - autonym, I invalid designation)

Distributional Range:


    • SOUTHERN AFRICA: Eswatini (possibly), Lesotho, South Africa [KwaZulu-Natal, Free State, Eastern Cape, Northern Cape]


  1. Burner, D. M. 1997. Chromosome transmission and meiotic behavior in various sugarcane crosses. J. Amer. Soc. Sugar Cane Technol. 17:38-50. Note: reports cytological counts of crosses made by Tai et al. (not same parental accesions cited in 1991) that apparently included erroneous identified material (accession as US 56-42-3, prob. PI 232673) that belongs to this taxon
  2. Deuter, M. Breeding approaches to improvement of yield and quality in Miscanthus grown in Europe. (on-line resource). URL: http://www.cantusbiopower.com/articles/EMIendber.pdf target='_blank'
  3. Hodkinson, T. R. et al. 2002. Phylogenetics of Miscanthus, Saccharum and related genera (Saccharinae, Andropogoneae, Poaceae) based on DNA sequences from ITS nuclear ribosomal DNA and plastid trnL intron and trnL-F intergenic spacers. J. Pl. Res. 115:381-392. Note: reveals a polyphyletic Miscanthus; this taxon clustered with other Saccharum species in a group recognized as Miscanthidium sister to a clade including Eulalia, Sorghum taxa
  4. Mabberley, D. J. 1984. Pallas's buckthorn and two and a half centuries of neglected binomials. Taxon 33:433-444. Note: comments that this name might be the earlier name for Miscanthus capensis (Nees) Anderss.
  5. Tai, P. Y. P. et al. 1991. Phenotypic characteristics of F2 and BC1 progenies from sugarcane intergeneric hybrids. J. Amer. Soc. Sugar Cane Technol. 11:38-42.

Check other web resources for Miscanthus ecklonii (Nees) Mabb. :

  • SIBIS: South African National Biodiversity Institute's (SANBI) Integrated Biodiversity System
  • World Grass Species-Descriptions: Morphological species description from Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew
  • ePIC: Electronic Plant Information Centre of Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew
  • AGRICOLA: Article Citation Database or NAL Catalog of USDA's National Agricultural Library
  • Entrez: NCBI's search engine for PubMed citations, GenBank sequences, etc.
  • PubAg: USDA's National Agricultural Library database of full-text journal articles and citations on the agricultural sciences.

Cite as: USDA, Agricultural Research Service, National Plant Germplasm System. 2024. Germplasm Resources Information Network (GRIN-Taxonomy).
National Germplasm Resources Laboratory, Beltsville, Maryland. URL: http://gringlobal.iita.org/gringlobal/taxonomydetail.aspx?id=459946. Accessed 29 September 2024.