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Taxon: Bouteloua gracilis (Kunth) Lag. ex Griffiths

Genus: Bouteloua
Section: Chondrosum
Family: Poaceae (alt.Gramineae)
Subfamily: Chloridoideae
Tribe: Cynodonteae
Subtribe: Boutelouinae
Nomen number: 7527
Place of publication: Contr. U.S. Natl. Herb. 14:375. 1912, nom. cons. (Steudel, Nomencl. bot. ed. 2, 1:219. 1840, pro syn.)
Link to protologue:
Comment: conserved (nom. cons., Shenzhen ICN Art. 14.10 & App. IV) against the earlier homonym (Shenzhen ICN Art. 53) Bouteloua gracilis Vasey, nom. rej.
Name Verified on: 27-Mar-2006 by ARS Systematic Botanists.
Accessions: 0 (0 active, 0 available) in National Plant Germplasm System

Autonyms (not in current use), synonyms and invalid designations:

(≡ homotypic synonym, = heterotypic synonym, - autonym, I invalid designation)

Common names:

  • blue grama  (Source: World Econ Pl) - English
  • blue grama grass  (Source: Dict Rehm) - English
  • eyelash grass  (Source: F NAmer) - English
  • blue grama  (Source: ICAW) - English (Canada)
  • boutelou gracieux  (Source: ICAW) - French (Canada)
  • navajita  (Source: Grass Util Mex) - Spanish
  • navajita azul  (Source: Grass Util Mex) - Spanish

Economic Importance:

  • Animal food: forage (grazing)
  • Environmental: potential as lawn/turf; potential as lawn/turf

Distributional Range:


    Northern America
    • EASTERN CANADA: Canada [Ontario]
    • WESTERN CANADA: Canada [Saskatchewan, Alberta, Manitoba]
    • NORTH-CENTRAL U.S.A.: United States [Iowa, Kansas, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota, South Dakota, Oklahoma, Wisconsin]
    • NORTHWESTERN U.S.A.: United States [Colorado, Idaho, Montana, Wyoming]
    • SOUTHEASTERN U.S.A.: United States [Arkansas]
    • SOUTH-CENTRAL U.S.A.: United States [New Mexico, Texas]
    • SOUTHWESTERN U.S.A.: United States [Arizona, California, Nevada, Utah]
    • NORTHERN MEXICO: Mexico [Chihuahua, Coahuila de Zaragoza, Durango, Nuevo León, San Luis Potosí, Sonora, Tamaulipas, Zacatecas]
    • SOUTHERN MEXICO: Mexico [Aguascalientes, Guanajuato, Guerrero, Hidalgo, Jalisco, México, Michoacán de Ocampo, Morelos, Nayarit, Oaxaca, Puebla, Querétaro, Tlaxcala, Veracruz de Ignacio de la Llave, Ciudad de México]

    Naturalized (natzd. elsewhere)


  1. Brummitt, R. K. 2002. Report of the Committee for Spermatophyta: 53. Taxon 51:797. Note: conservation proposal recommended
  2. Cronquist, A. et al. 1972-. Intermountain flora. Note: lists as Bouteloua gracilis (Kunth) Lag. ex Steud.
  3. Darbyshire, S. J. 2003. Inventory of Canadian Agricultural Weeds Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada. 41-42.
  4. Encke, F. et al. 1993. Zander: Handwörterbuch der Pflanzennamen, 14. Auflage Note: = Bouteloua oligostachya (Nutt.) Torr. ex A. Gray
  5. Englert, J. M. et al. 1999. USDA-NRCS Improved conservation plant materials released by NRCS and cooperators
  6. FNA Editorial Committee. 1993-. Flora of North America.
  7. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO). 2010. Ecocrop (on-line resource). URL: http://ecocrop.fao.org/ecocrop/srv/en/cropListDetails?code=&relation=beginsWith&name=Bouteloua+gracilis&quantity=1 target='_blank'
  8. Gandhi, K. N. et al. 2001. (1479) Proposal to conserve the name Bouteloua gracilis (Kunth) Griffiths against B. gracilis Vasey (Poaceae). Taxon 50:573-575.
  9. Gleason, H. A. & A. Cronquist. 1991. Manual of vascular plants of northeastern United States and adjacent Canada, ed. 2 Note: lists as Bouteloua gracilis (Kunth) Lag.
  10. Gould, F. W. 1975. The grasses of Texas Note: lists as Bouteloua gracilis (Kunth) Lag. ex Steud.
  11. Gould, F. W. 1979. The genus Bouteloua (Poaceae). Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 66:392. Note: lists as Bouteloua gracilis (Kunth) Griffiths
  12. Herrera-Arrieta, Y. et al. 2004. Revisión de Bouteloua Lag. (Poaceae) Note: CIIDIR Unidad Durango, CONABIO, & Editorial Filo de Agua
  13. Hickman, J. C., ed. 1993. The Jepson manual: higher plants of California
  14. Johnson, P. G. 2000. An overview of North American native grasses adapted to meet the demand for low-maintenance turf. Diversity 16:40-41.
  15. Kartesz, J. T. & K. N. Gandhi. 1990. Nomenclatural notes for the North American flora. IV. Phytologia 69:302.
  16. Kenna, M. P. 2000. The United States Golf Association: a leader in the science of turf for 80 years. Diversity 16:11-14.
  17. Markle, G. M. et al., eds. 1998. Food and feed crops of the United States, ed. 2
  18. McGregor, R. L. et al. (The Great Plains Flora Association). 1986. Flora of the Great Plains.
  19. McVaugh, R. 1983-. Flora Novo-Galiciana. Note: lists as Bouteloua gracilis (Kunth) Lag. ex Steud.
  20. Mejía-Saulés, M. T. & P. Dávila A. 1992. Gramíneas Útiles de México. Cuad. Inst. Biol. 16 Note: lists as Bouteloua gracilis (Kunth) Lag.
  21. Rehm, S. 1994. Multilingual dictionary of agronomic plants
  22. Welsh, S. L. et al. 1993. A Utah flora. Note: lists as Bouteloua gracilis (Kunth) Lag. ex Steud.
  23. Zuloaga, F. O. et al. 1994. Catálogo de la familia Poaceae en la República Argentina. Monogr. Syst. Bot. Missouri Bot. Gard. 47 Note: = Bouteloua aristidoides

Check other web resources for Bouteloua gracilis (Kunth) Lag. ex Griffiths :

Cite as: USDA, Agricultural Research Service, National Plant Germplasm System. 2024. Germplasm Resources Information Network (GRIN-Taxonomy).
National Germplasm Resources Laboratory, Beltsville, Maryland. URL: http://gringlobal.iita.org/gringlobal/taxonomydetail.aspx?id=7527. Accessed 29 September 2024.